Course Curriculum
Breeze Academy Graduate discounts
- Exclusive discounts for Breeze Academy Learners
Ankle & foot
- Ankle & foot introduction
- Ankle & foot meridians
- Lateral ankle issues
- Metatarsalgia
- Medial Ankle Pain
- Achilles Tendinopathy
- Plantarfasciopathy
- Auricular application on a real ear
- Auricular: NADA Practical
Back pain
- Low back pain
- Thoracic Back Pain
- Lumbar Back Pain with outer Bladder line points
- Distal Points for Thoracic and Lumbar back pain
- Intro
- Dyspareunia needling technqiues
- Dyspareunia quiz
Elbow Issues
- Chapter overview
- Elbow meridians
- Lateral elbow pain
- Medial elbow pain
- CASE STUDY: Winston Power
- Elbow quiz
Facial Symptoms
- Facial symptoms intro
- Facial meridians
- Important facial acupoints
- Facial acupoint needling techniques
- TMD treatment
- Trigeminal Neuralgia
- Facial Palsy
- Declan Willbreaker
- Facial pain quiz
General Wellbeing - multiple protocols!!
- Nausea and Fainting: PC6 + Ki1
- Immuno-enhancing, wellbeing: LI 11 + St 36 + Sp 6
- 4 Gates
- Relaxation, insight, focus: Yin Tang + Ht 7 + Ki3 + Sp 5
- Period Pain: Lr 3 + Sp 6 + Sp 10 + St 36
- Brain fog: Yin Tang + Sp 6 + St 36
- Irregular menstruation option 1: Ki 3, 4, 5, 6, 8
- Irregular menstruation option 2: Sp 5, 8, 10 + Lr 3
- Lethargy: Sp 5, 6 + GV 20 + LI 4
- Bloating: St 36, 44 + Sp 6
- Hip Meridians
- Lateral Hip Pain
- Hamstring pain
- Anterior Hip Pain
- Introduction to the Headaches chapter
- Meridians for headaches
- Important headache acupoints
- Headache needling techniques 1
- Headaches needling techniques 2
- Frontal headaches
- Lateral headaches recipe
- Cervicogenic Headaches
- CASE STUDY: Solomenia Majors
- Headache quiz
Hot flushes
- Hot flushes intro
- Body acupuncture for Hot flushes
- Knee Chapter intro
- Meridians of the knee
- Medial and Central Knee Pain
Nausea + vomiting
- Nausea and vomiting intro
- Body acupuncture for Nausea and vomiting
- Nausea and vomiting quiz
Neck pain
- Neck pain Chapter intro
- Meridians for neck pain
- Important acupoints for neck pain
- Needling techniques for major neck points
- Lateral neck pain recipe
- Central Neck pain
- Whiplash
- Distal points for head and neck protocols
- CASE STUDY: Gablatron Farfax
- Case study Quiz: Gablatron Farfax
Overactive Bladder
- OAB overview
- OAB: Ki3, Sp6 & 9, CV 4
- OAB quiz
Pregnancy related Pelvic Girdle Pain
- PPGP overview
- Pregnancy related Low Back /Pelvic Girdle pain
- Korean Hand Acupuncture
- PPGP quiz
Shoulder Pain
- Shoulder Chapter Intro
- Important shoulder meridians
- Generic shoulder problems
- Anterior shoulder
- Posterior shoulder pain
- CASE STUDY: Tiffany Crankmaster
- Case study QUIZ
- Chapter overview
- Wrist meridians
- Post Colles fracture
- DeQuervains
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- CASE STUDY: Samantha. T. Starehard
- Wrist quiz
WHO acupoint locations - all acupoints
- WHO Standard Acupuncture Point Locations in the Western Pacific Region
Beyond acupuncture?
- Yoga teacher training FREE taster course
- You have the expertise. You have the experience. Now take our tutor coaching masterclass.
Getting to grips with the basics
- A hugely detailed history of acupuncture, in less than 1000 words
- Stay in touch!
- Before you get cracking
Important info prior to needling
- Safety in Acupuncture
- Safety Test
- Adverse Events
- Reducing the frequency and/or effects of Adverse events
- Insurance and licensing requirements
- Needles and Needling: The Basics
- Meridians will be your guide
- Meridians - an introduction
- Upper limb meridians
- Head, trunk and lower limb Meridians
- Lung and Large Intestine
- Stomach and Spleen
- Heart and Small Intestine
- Bladder and Kidney
- Pericardium and Triple Energiser
- Gallbladder and Liver
Supporting theories for acupuncture practice
- Clinical reasoning
- Acute pain physiology
- '60% of the time, acupuncture works every time'
- Proposed theoretical mechanisms Quiz
Acupoint Needling videos
- Chapter Overview
- First point to needle - Large Intestine 11
- Large Intestine 4, 5, 14, 15
- Lung 5, 7
- Triple Energiser 14, 5 + Pericardium 6
- Heart 3, 7
- Small Intestine 9-11, 3
- Stomach 34, 35, 36, 38, 44; Xiyan
- Spleen 6, 9, 10
- Liver 3, 8
- Kidney 1, 3, 7, 10
- Bladder 10, 11, 23, 24, 26
- Bladder 36, 40, 57, 60, 62
- Gall Bladder 20, 21
- Gall Bladder 30, 31, 34, 39, 40
- HuatoaJiaji + Governor 3, 4, 14
- Spleen 5, Kidney 6
Dry Needling
- Trigger point theory 1: The clinical picture?
- Foundation application of dry needling
- Trigger points: Infraspinatus, Upper Traps, Latissimus Dorsi, Teres Major and Minor
- Triggerpoint needling of Rhomboids and Levator Scapulae
- Triggerpoint needling Quadratus Lumborum, Gluteus Medius, Minimus, Piriformis
- Neck Trigger points
- Upper limb Trigger points
- Hip + Pelvis Trigger Points 1
- Hip + Pelvis Trigger Points 2
- Lower Limb Trigger points
- Trigger point
Some Handy Handouts
- Auricular and TrP handouts
Autonomic Nervous system
- The autonomic nervous system (ANS)
- Autonomic nervous system theory 1
- Autonomic nervous system theory 2
- Do you know your Vagus nerve from your Vegas nerves?
TCM Principles + Diagnosis
- TCM principles and diagnosis
- TCM handout
- TCM approach 1
- TCM approach 2
- TCM online 5 elements
- Five elements: Associated organs
- Five elements: characteristics
- Five elements: Symptoms of pathogenic invasion
- Tongue diagnosis
Self test Case studies
- Case study 1: Rasheer Wonderwood
- Case study quiz 1: Rasheer Wonderwood
- Case study 2: Wangalo "Hairy McClairy from Donaldsons Dairy" PeachyPoo
- Case study quiz 2: Wangalo "Hairy McClairy from Donaldsons Dairy" PeachyPoo
- Case study 3: Gablatron Farfax
- Case study 3 Quiz: Gablatron Farfax
- Case study 4: Tiffany Crankmaster
- Case Study 5: Quo-mo of Go-toe
- Case Study 6: Samantha. T. Starehard
- Electro acupuncture
Further Details
You will need to have already completed acupuncture training to access this subscription service